
Írta: Calum


Last week.

The story a bit later but first let’s see how Denis screwed up last time? 
Make a script with a step by step process to follow. He had no plan for how he wanted to reach his goal.
Moderate the meeting: Denis let one of the colleagues dominate and interrupt and so the others either shut up or started to argue amongst themselves. If he had given them each a fixed time to prepare and then say their piece, they would have been one in a few minutes. This way it takes forever.

In spite of this he decides to have another go with some brainstorming on how to solve the problem.

This week’s meeting.

“We are going to do a bit of brainstorming: in spite of the groans from the audience, Denis soldiers on - I want to know how we're going to get ourselves out of this mess.  David from procurement, busily starts writing down ideas on his paper, Laura explains that she has already told them that the solution is in virtual marketing and she doesn't understand why they haven't done anything since the last meeting. Dora is fuming in the corner.
Denis asks them to explain their idea and writes them all down in his note book and then sends the colleagues on their way. The ideas are a mixture of good and bad with some of the more exciting:  Fire Laura; FACEBOOK!; Less meetings more work; I think we should start to push down the costs of suppliers; Buy better Christmas gifts for customers; Lapdancing!................”
On top of that, all the participants leave complaining that the meetings are useless and they never really get anything done. What do you think is going through Denis mind now?

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