
Írta: Calum

Moderation summary

Recommendations from last weekLast week Denis had a rare success and his meeting went well. His success came from being able to use small groups to get things done in meetings. Small groups can work more effectively than large ones and since you have multiple groups, the product is multiple…

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Írta: Calum

If you lead the group clearly, you have a much better chance of getting what you want

 Last week. Denis tried to have a vote but it turned out to be unfair. Have the votes written down and then collect them. It is fair and avoids colleagues who vote later being influenced by preceding votes. Denis main problems come from just not moderating and so meetings tend to be…

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Írta: Calum

What do you need to make brainstorming work? But what's it worth if you argue about the results for hours?

Last weekDenis tried to do a brainstorming. But didn’t. It works well if you follow the rules but is a waste of time if not. A few rules: Ask a concrete question (if you can answer in a listable form, it’s probably concrete)Give time to think about the ideas (just 1 minute gets much…

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